If they are involved in premarital sexual activity, many women around the globe prefer to have Hymenoplasty (Regain of Virginity) surgery done before they get married. The procedure of Hymenoplasty is believed to allow them to regain their virginity. Medical professionals say that Hymenoplasty is used to repair the hymen after the first sex, but it cannot restore ‘lost virginity. Revirgination is a procedure that restores all changes to the genitalia after a recurrent intercourse. Revirgination includes hymen reconstruction through hymenoplasty and tightening the vaginal vault via vaginoplasty. It also involves correction of labial flare by bulbo spongioplasty.
Hymenoplasty Regain of Virginity is usually performed on a single woman, who is not married and has had sex before marriage. They don’t understand the differences between revirgination and hymenoplasty. They aren’t sure if they should have hymenoplasty, or revirgination. This procedure may be performed on married women to enhance their sexual life.
Revirgination and Hymenoplasty are two different things. There is an urgent need to change the opinion of both the patients and the medical professionals.
About Hymenoplasty & Revirgination
Patients can choose to have the operation performed under local or general anaesthesia. The lithotomic position is used to place patients. First, the hymenoplasty involves reuniting the torn hymen. Transverse incisions are made in the vestibular mucosa, posterior to the vaginal walls. The posterior vaginal walls are raised as a flap. The superficial muscles and the upper body are then reefed. By creating rugae, the posterior vaginal mucosa can be tightened. The bulbospongiosus muscles are then dissected and reefed by cutting through the vestibular mucosa. The vaginal mucosa is used to create the rugi. The tissue is held by your doctor and stitched from the superior to the interior ends.
This technique creates many vertical and crosswise rugs until the vagina becomes tight. No dressing is required. Patients are asked to wash the affected area after the operation and then apply the ointment. For pain relief, simple painkillers can be used. You can also get antibiotics.
Patients who have undergone revirgination may experience occasional pain and slight bloody discharge for about a week. The patient will feel more comfortable after a week.
Hymenoplasty: Why do people choose it?
There are two types. The first is based on strong cultural and religious beliefs. According to religious texts, a girl must be a virgin. In certain cultures, a woman who is found to have been ‘touched on her wedding night’ will face shame from her family. Divorce and even death are possible consequences. Young ladies will go to great lengths and have their hymen checked, repaired or replaced if needed.
The second group of people who have hymenoplasty is not for fear of being found out or because they are having problems with their married lives, but because they want to be a ‘virgin’ on their wedding day, and usually with the consent and awareness of their husbands. Couples are now making similar requests for Hymenoplasty Regain of Virginity for their female partner to celebrate their wedding anniversary and enjoy symbolic revirgination.
Hymenoplasty is legal in India and Western countries.
While the job and necessity of hymenoplasty can be debated, it is not relevant to the revirgination procedure. Revirgination is a procedure that creates a tightness in the uterus. This cannot be denied by any law. Every woman has the right to request it. Each married couple is entitled to feel the tightness in their sex and intensified sexual pleasure. !
Book an Appointment
If you’re looking to go for Hymenoplasty Regain of Virginity in Delhi, then schedule an appointment today. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh is well-known Plastic and Cosmetic surgeon in Delhi and the NCR area who is committed to helping both men and women look and feel they’re most attractive.