Lymphedema Surgery

Lymphedema — when is surgery indicated? What is advised for anyone with lymphedema in the knee that does not answer systems or compression? At what level is surgery to reduce the swelling a fair choice?

The mainstay of treatment for lymphedema is careful therapy that does not require surgery. Lymphedema treatment usually starts with systems and compression. If that does not perform, different nonsurgical options are available. If there’s no development after complete utilization of conservative treatment, it may be required to consider surgery.

Lymphedema affects your lymphatic system, part of your immune system. Your lymphatic system circulates lymph fluid for the duration of your system, collecting bacteria, viruses, and waste products. It holds this fluid and these substances through your lymph vessels and into the lymph nodes. The wastes are then filtered out by infection-fighting cells in the lymph nodes.

Lymphedema occurs when your lymph ships cannot acceptably drain lymph fluid. That typically occurs due to damage to or removal of lymph nodes from an infection, trauma, cancer treatment, or surgery. When lymph fluid does not drain normally, the excess fluid builds up and causes swelling, frequently in a supply or leg. If it’s not immediately and properly treated, the accumulation of lymph fluid ultimately may result in solid deposits of fat and fiber in the areas affected by lymphedema. That can make the condition more difficult to treat effortlessly and prone to surgery.

Lymphedema Surgery

Compression therapy usually is the very first different treatment for lymphedema. It requires wrapping the entire arm or leg in a snug bandage or compression garment to reduce swelling and inspire the flow of lymph fluid.

If compression alone is not enough, another method called complete decongestive therapy might be useful. That method contains wrapping and different techniques to ease swelling, such as massage, exercise, and skincare. Your doctor also may recommend a tool that puts pressure in your limb to maneuver lymph fluid. These compression devices usually include a sleeve worn over the arm or leg connected to a pump that occasionally inflates to offer pressure.

If you don’t see development with decongestive therapy, then surgery would probably be the next step in treatment. A few surgical techniques employed for lymphedema should be executed once the situation remains in the fluid phase before solids are deposited in the influenced area. A wait in treatment that enables solids to accumulate may involve more complex surgical approaches and could make lymphedema more challenging to treat around time.